It won’t be very often, but there may come a time when your little one needs to get some type of dental procedure done that will necessitate the use of anesthesia. As a parent, this could cause a bit of concern. After all, oral surgery is serious enough, but sedating your child is a completely different animal. And thus, we need to ask some questions. Thankfully, your dental professional will be more than happy to address any of your concerns. Because this will be new territory for many new parents, the American Dental Association some questions to ask through every step of the process.
Who will evaluate my child before the procedure, including their past medical history?
How long should my child go without food or drink prior to the procedure (with the exception of necessary medications taken with a sip of water)?
Will I be giving any sedation medication to my child at home prior to their coming to the office and, if so, what should I be on the look-out for?
What training and experience does the person providing sedation or anesthesia for the procedure have?
Do assisting staff have emergency training and renew it regularly?
Does the dentist have all the permits or licenses required by the state dental board to provide the planned level of anesthesia or sedation?
In addition to local anesthesia, what level of sedation or general anesthesia will my child be given?
How will my child be monitored before, during and after the procedure until the child is released to go home?
Will I receive instructions and emergency contact information if there are any concerns or complications after returning home?
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