We all need to visit the dentist on a regular basis, typically twice a year. But have you ever wondered why we need to have these visits? Because dental professionals are the first line of defense against any issues that may be developing inside your mouth. After all, no one wants to have a toothache – that’s why we brush, floss and use mouthwash twice a day. But here’s a fun fact you may not realize: According to recent statistics, more than 51 million hours of school are lost each year by children due to dental-related illnesses. As for adults, statistics have proven that employed adults lose more that 164 million hours of work each year due to oral health problems. Professionals from the American Dental Association agree that regular teeth cleanings can drastically reduce these numbers by about fifty percent. Why? Because you and your child’s presence in school and in the workplace are vital to future endeavors, thorough teeth cleaning services that will prevent dental problems are imperative. These dental problems can range anywhere from dental cavities to periodontal disease, which lead to you or your child being absent in school or at work.
If individuals choose to delay, or completely ignore your dental visits, you are prone to the increased risk for heart attack or stroke, periodontal disease, and even oral cancer. In order to avoid these life-threatening consequence of poor oral health, thorough teeth cleanings are necessary to enhance your smile and ensure you and your child remain in school and at work.
To set up an appointment, call Dr. Middleton’s office in Riverside, CA at (951) 688-3442 or through the website.
Dr. Middleton proudly accepts patients from Riverside and all surrounding areas.
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