A favorite snack fruit for all ages is the banana. They’re tasty in cereal and other recipes, babies love to feed themselves with them and it’s the perfect accompaniment to a good workout because they help prevent cramps. The banana is a magical fruit that deserves its own day – April 15th. So, let’s take a day to celebrate this tropical fruit and the benefits this tasty treat has on our smile…
Nutritious. This curvy fruit is jam-packed with loads of vitamins (like C and B6) that are great for our insides, but the potassium, manganese and magnesium components work wonders on your tooth enamel. And unlike many of our go-to citrus fruits, the banana has a very low acidic level. And since acidity causes tooth decay, they are extra great for your teeth.
Unfortunately, these yummy snacks are also packed with a lot of high sugars and starches. So, while they are a great option, eating them in moderation would be best and giving your teeth a quick brushing or rinse with some water afterwards. Trust us, you can eat two bananas a day and it still wouldn’t have the adverse effects that junk foods would.
Teeth whitening. There is a rumor that the chemical makeup of the banana peel has some teeth whitening factors, but there really isn’t much evidence supporting it. It was the idea that the extraordinary levels of potassium and magnesium soak into your teeth, leaving a shiny whitened effect over time if you rubbed a bit of the peel over your teeth for a couple of minutes. But proper dental hygiene and regular dental checkups will be your best bet for a healthy, bright smile.
To set up an appointment, call Dr. Middleton’s office in Riverside, CA at (951) 470-3379 or through the website.
Dr. Gerald Middleton proudly accepts patients from Riverside and all surrounding areas.
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